Thursday, August 23, 2012

email to ucf students psych class (reddited)

my comment:
Those who will not open their minds to even discuss other viewpoints do not belong at University, but it is the hope of professors that those closed minds might reconsider trusting themselves and their beliefs enough to consider alternative viewpoints. Those who would stand and tell others to keep their minds and mouths closed and not participate in classroom discussions should fail the classroom portion of the course. Just as refusing to take an exam has similar consequences. University courses have requirements that are not optional, they require participation - if that is not acceptable, drop the course. Bravo to an educator who is helping his students to understand the purpose of education. He could just fail the kids for non-participation.

another's comment:
Lets put aside the debate about Christians and there right to express themselves in our culture for just a moment. First, can anyone older then about 35 even imagine being so disrespectful to a teacher? I have strong opinions about a lot of things, but when I first started college it was very clear the professor was a respected figure who was adressed in a respectful way, even if I didn't like the professor or the class. Some of my fondest memories were debates like the one the teacher was describing. But for me the fun was not just expressing my opinion but learning new information and learning to say things like "I didn't know that." ot "Maybe I was wrong" I think this current generation of children has been so coddled and hovered over they have been robbed of the ability to think critically by thier parents.

Second, could someone, once and for all, explain to me how a religious group who is the clear majority in the United States convince itself that it is a picked minority that is teeters on the brink of persecution. One of the most unattractive characteristics of the modern conservative religious and political movements is a strong sense of righteous indignation paired with a hypersensitivity to anything anyone says about them. This knee jerk defensiveness assures no discussion and traps the young people of today in caccoon of unrealistic beliefs and expectations about themselves and the world.

my comment:
It is a reflection of the arrogance of our culture, seniority, elders, even the President is no respected. Add to the arrogance an indefensible pride in ignorance and we have the making of an empire in decline. The rich-poor divide widens and the let them eat cake mentality grows. We can only hope the last few decades of dark-ages mentality is not the beginning of the end of an age of enlightenment because with our current technological knowledge, the elite could easily subjugate the masses with drugs, genetic engineering, and when all else fails - bio-weapons. If this possibility is no more than a paranoid science fiction story, I'll be the first to cheer humanity for not letting it happen.


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